Remember those old commercials? It's the first thing that popped into my head this afternoon as I was trying to help Hope figure out a song on the keyboard
she was getting VERY frustrated as she tried to pick out all the right notes and trying to help Ellis use the potty.
I mentioned in my last post that Ellis might be ready to potty train, but me, not so much. She still just enjoys the novelty of it - and the M&M she gets when something "comes out". Anytime we're at home, she wants to be naked. Quicker access to the M&M, I guess. She gets very upset when I try to put a diaper on her, unless we're leaving the house or she's going to bed. Anyway, I digress. It went something like this:
Hope: You already showed me that part, Mom! I need the next part!
"Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do" - Ellis' potty singing to her because she's "done something".
EJ: I go potty, Mommy!
Me: Good job EJ, hold on. I'll come dump it out in just a minute.
Hope: Mom! What's next?
EJ (walking into the room where Hope and I are at the piano, carrying the potty seat): My dump it out, Mommy!
Me: No, EJ. Give that to Mommy.
Pee running out the potty seat and down her legs. Only Mommy and Daddy can clean out the potty.
EJ: No,Mommy! My dump it out! No! No!
(crying screaming) My dump it out!
more crying, more screaming
Hope: Ugh!
(laying upside on the keyboard bench)
A few minutes later after the potty seat is cleaned out, Hope and I are at the keyboard and Ellis is wiped down and
supposedly looking at books in the other room . . .
Hope (still very frustrated and has now turned the keyboard up very loud because she can't "hear myself play over
Ellis' screaming!"): I can't do it right!
Me: Try
just this part.
EJ: Mommy, come 'ere.
Me: Hold on EJ. I'm helping Hope right now.
(loudly, crying screaming): No! Mommy help EJ!
Me: What do you need help with?
Hope: Mom!
EJ: Mommy, come 'ere!!!!!
Me: Go back to the family room and get a book, I'll come in there in just a minute.
EJ slowly walks into the other room, crying.
Okay, Hope, try this part.
"Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do" -
potty seat again
(running back to Hope and I): I go potty one more time!
Me: Good job, EJ! Stay right here, I'll go get it cleaned out!
Hope: MOM!
Me: Okay, let me show you real quick . . ."
Hope: EJ, no! Mom - EJ has her potty seat again!
Me: Okay, hold on Hope. Ellis, only mommy and daddy can empty out the - EJ! NO!
pee all over the bathroom floor.
Hope: Ugh!
(upside down on the keyboard bench again. Now with the keyboard playing some "demo" song turned up as LOUD as it could go)
Me: Hope - turn that down!
Hope: Come help me then!
Me: I need to clean this up - I'll be there in a minute! Just try it on your own.
Hope: I need you to help with that part again.
Me: Try ANOTHER part.
Hope: I already KNOW the other parts. I need help with the NEW part!
Me: Okay, hold on. I've got the potty seat clean, I just need to clean up the bathroom floor.
EJ: Mommy, come 'ere!
Me: Just a minute EJ, I need to clean up the bathroom floor.
"Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do"
Some form of the last 2 scenarios literally played out 3 MORE TIMES within the next twenty minutes. I was about ready to throw that d*$# potty seat away! Seriously, how can anyone pee 6 times in a 30 minute period? What did I give that child to drink?
Chaos takes many different forms in my house on a day to day basis. In the midst of it, I
wish there was something that could just "take me away". But in reality, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I know this precious time with my babies is short. The heartwarming, funny, memorable times outweigh the bad
most days. And I just try to remind myself that all of our experiences serve a purpose - we're learning. I'm learning to be a better parent, a better wife, a better person. They're learning about themselves, and how to find their place in a great big world.
Usually the chaos is short lived. Sometimes we learn something from it. Today the lesson was patience . . . for all of us. The girls were reminded that they can't always get what they want, right when they want it. I was reminded that I do have the ability to pull out the patience when I need it. At least sometimes.
I was also reminded that I am not ready for potty training.