The only reason I've ever spent any real time in a hospital was to have my 3 beautiful babies - all wonderful experiences with great nurses and doctors, great food, and great reasons to be there. So, I never really understood why so many people dislike hospitals SO much. Until Saturday. . .
Sometimes (often times) people go to hospitals for reasons that are not nearly as joyful as childbirth.
On Saturday afternoon, Brandon began to feel a little dizzy and the vision in his left eye seemed a little "off". After he ate some lunch, he started feeling better, and just complained of a headache. A little while later the two outside fingers on his left hand went numb, then the numbness moved to his next two fingers. Shortly, the numbness in his fingers was gone, but the left side of his tongue became numb. Soon after, his left foot became very tingly - that is the only sensation that lasted for a significant time. Against his wishes, we met my mom to pass off the kids and headed to the ER. By 9:00 pm, he was admitted to ICU. This was scary! His symptoms were gone, but the doctors were still very concerned about what caused this "episode".
After a myriad of tests (MRI, EKG, CT scan, echocardiogram, angiogram, MRA), they were able to rule out MS, a stroke, heart problems, and artery dissection in his neck. This was all VERY fortunate. The unfortunate thing is that we still don't know what caused the numbness. They are hoping it was just an "atypical migraine". We were able to leave the hospital late Sunday afternoon (though it felt like we had been there for MUCH more than a day). My mom and sister were definitely glad to give our kids back to us. :0) We are so grateful for their help!
Let me just tell you - ICU is whole different ballgame than the Birthing Center! Instead of a private bath, there's a toilet in the middle of the room. Instead of a big door to give privacy, there's a sliding glass door with a small curtain.Instead of a couch for the "guest", there's a chair. Not to mention, the feeling of sadness around, with all of these patients so critically ill. The doctors and nurses kept joking about how Brandon was the healthiest looking person in ICU. And they thought it was pretty funny that we both slept in the little hospital bed together!
We hope to find out more from the neurologist at an appoinment tomorrow. For now, we are glad that everyone is home, feeling healthy, and that he didn't have to stay at the hospital any longer than he did. Experiences like this really make you stop and thank God for all that you have, and remind you not to take anything for granted!
6 years ago
I'm glad he is home and feeling better. This must have been hard to go through. God bless you and your family.
I hope he's okay!! It does sound like what happens to me when I have a migraine. I know I have talked about my migraines on my blog if you want more info about them. They are scary - especially since my mom had a minor stroke when she was just a few years older then me.
Here's the link, so you don't have to look.
Let me know if I can help out with anything!
So scary, glad everything turned out ok!
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