Monday, May 23, 2011

Birthday Weekend!

Busy, busy, (but fun) weekend!  It started off with my birthday on Friday.  Brandon took the afternoon off so I could enjoy a little "me" time with a massage, pedicure, and a little shopping.  Since softball and soccer practices were cancelled due to rain, we got to go out for a birthday dinner.  3 Margaritas!  Yum!

The real excitement started on Saturday - Hope's birthday.  Can she really be 9 already?  My little girl is definitely growning up!  We had a super fun roller skating party with a bunch of her friends at Skate City.  Next, she chose Sweet Tomatoes for her birthday lunch.  Then that evening she, Brandon, and cousin Averi went to Bandimere Speedway for "Night of Fire and Thunder".  She's won tickets to it every year through school for reading a certain amount of minutes.  This year, it just happened to fall on her birthday!  Averi stayed for a sleepover and they played the next morning, we went to church and then to a park.  After Averi went home, Hope and I went to the Rapids game with her soccer team.  The team got to walk on the field before the game and hold the big Rapids banner.  We had a great time!

Whew!  Here are some pics!

New soccer bag!

Getting fitted for her new roller skates.

In the center of the rink with the other kid having a birthday at the same time.  He was also turning 9 - notice the height difference. :)

Some of the girls.

Beck and Daddy enjoying the party.

Cake and Ice Cream!

Swinigng at the park.

Hope, Averi, EJ

Waiting to go on the field.

Waving the Banner!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Moving Backward

Almost a year ago we started to transition EJ to a toddler bed, knowing that we would need the crib for Beck.  It was a pretty easy transition and she's been sleeping there ever since.  Until last week.  One night we went in to check on her before we went to bed and, to our surprise, found her in the crib.  Every night since then, she has slept in the crib, with all of her many "things".  I know we should probably try to break this habit, but she's been sleeping until 8:00 or 8:30 every morning and I don't want to mess up a good thing!

How does Beck fit in there, you ask?  No need to worry.  He's still sleeping in the pack and play in our room.  Yes, he's 8 months old.  No further comment.

Better Late Than Never?

With the craziness that is our lives, I never posted to say Happy Birthday to my amazing husband.  We celebrated with a date night with friends - dinner at Outback (Brandon's favorite) and then a comedy club.  He knew we were getting to go to dinner sans kiddos, but I stealthily set up having T.Jay and Tennyson meet us there and then the plan for the comedy club where KB and Angi joined us.  He was very surprised - mission accomplished! :)

The pictures are from our celebration at home with the kids.  His only birthday request was chocolate cake with white frosting.  It wasn't fancy, but it was yummy!

So, Happy Birthday (a little late) to the best thing that has ever happened to me!  I love you, Brandon!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

So this is what people were talking about . . .

The only reason I've ever spent any real time in a hospital was to have my 3 beautiful babies - all wonderful experiences with great nurses and doctors, great food, and great reasons to be there.  So, I never really understood why so many people dislike hospitals SO much.  Until Saturday. . .

Sometimes (often times) people go to hospitals for reasons that are not nearly as joyful as childbirth. 

On Saturday afternoon, Brandon began to feel a little dizzy and the vision in his left eye seemed a little "off".  After he ate some lunch, he started feeling better, and just complained of a headache.  A little while later  the two outside fingers on his left hand went numb, then the numbness moved to his next two fingers.  Shortly, the numbness in his fingers was gone, but the left side of his tongue became numb.  Soon after, his left foot became very tingly - that is the only sensation that lasted for a significant time.  Against his wishes, we met my mom to pass off the kids and headed to the ER.  By 9:00 pm, he was admitted to ICU.  This was scary!  His symptoms were gone, but the doctors were still very concerned about what caused this "episode".

After a myriad of tests (MRI, EKG, CT scan, echocardiogram, angiogram, MRA), they were able to rule out MS, a stroke, heart problems, and artery dissection in his neck.    This was all VERY fortunate.  The unfortunate thing is that we still don't know what caused the numbness.  They are hoping it was just an "atypical migraine". We were able to leave the hospital late Sunday afternoon (though it felt like we had been there for MUCH more than a day).  My mom and sister were definitely glad to give our kids back to us. :0)  We are so grateful for their help!  

Let me just tell you - ICU is whole different ballgame than the Birthing Center!  Instead of a private bath, there's a toilet in the middle of the room.  Instead of a big door to give privacy, there's a sliding glass door with a small curtain.Instead of a couch for the "guest", there's a chair.    Not to mention, the feeling of sadness around, with all of these patients so critically ill.  The doctors and nurses kept joking about how Brandon was the healthiest looking person in ICU.  And they thought it was pretty funny that we both slept in the little hospital bed together!

We hope to find out more from the neurologist at an appoinment tomorrow.  For now, we are glad that everyone is home, feeling healthy, and that he didn't have to stay at the hospital any longer than he did.  Experiences like this really make you stop and thank God for all that you have, and remind you not to take anything for granted!

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Voice

A couple of months ago Hope auditioned to film a piece for the Space Science Institute in Boulder.  It was for a interactive travelling museum exhibition about space and asteroids.  She was one of 3 kids to be chosen to film the piece and they filmed in just about an hour the next day.  She loved the experience.

Well, last week she got called back by the same people to do some voiceover work for the same exhibit.  She was so excited when she heard it was going to be done in a recording studio - "Am I going to be in one room with a big window that looks into the other room with all the people in it and they can talk to me through the speakers?!?!?"  I wasn't sure how it was going to be set-up, but it turns out it was just like that, and she had so much fun.  The sounds engineer was so complimentary of her patience and direction-taking.  He said she did better than most adults do.  She had to do some of the sections several times because she just couldn't get the word "comet" right.  At first she kept saying "comment"  and then she could only say it like she was from the east coast, for some reason.  But that provided some comic relief!  Here are some pics in the studio:

 Going over the script

Ready to work!

Easter 2011

eggs, bunny, candy, hunting, dyeing eggs, pretty dresses, pillow pets, confetti, family, food, fun, church, 1st Easter, cousins, baskets, more eggs

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16