Wow! I have an 8 year-old. Hope celebrated her birthday on Friday and it really is hard for me to believe how fast the last 8 years have gone. Am I REALLY old enough to have an 8 year-old? In some ways, it seems such a short time ago that I held her as a newborn - an 8 pound, black-haired little bundle of joy. Although we've been through days that have felt more like weeks and I'm sure there are more of those to come as we get closer to the teenage years, I wouldn't trade a single second I've had with my little girl. Okay, maybe there are a few seconds I would trade, but most have been wonderful and those that haven't been have only made us stronger!
Hope has such personality and constantly keeps us on our toes. She is forever singing very loudly, loves to read, enjoys playing soccer, softball and basketball as much for the social aspect as anything, loves acting and performing. She is very much a teenager in an 8 year-old body - she thinks it's totally dumb that we won't let her have her own cell phone and laptop. I'm not about to let her grow up that fast!
Happy Birthday Little Girl!
May 2002
May 2010
Aaww! And just think, only 5 more years until she is really a teenager.
Great picture Joanna!!! You BOTH look so young! Happy Birthday Hope!
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