Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tiny Dancer

EJ started her very first dance class last Wednesday.  There are only 4 kids in her class - the teacher's son who just turned 2, a 2 and a half year-old that is much more interested in playing with all of the other things in the room than dancing, a 3 year-old that was not going to let her mom leave her side, and EJ.  The first thing that she told me when we got in the car was, "I was a very good listener.  No one else was a very good listener like me.  I stayed on my blue dot and did what the teacher told me to do!"  Ha!  She was proud of herself!

Monday, March 21, 2011


Hope had her last performance this weekend as her debut as Annie came to a close.  She has done such a fantastic job and it has been so fun to see her on stage.  Even from the first show to the last, she has grown so much as an actress and a singer.  She has a wonderful stage presence and amazing confidence.  It is great for her to have a place where her exuberance and loud voice are such an asset.  We are very proud of our little girl!  Here are a couple video clips that Nana took at one of her shows last weekend, it wouldn't let me load some of them. . . 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Catch-Up in Pictures

With my lack of blogging, there have been a lot of things I should have posted on, but never got around to.  I will attempt to play catch-up, once again, with some pictures.  All unrelated parties may close this window now without having to feel any guilt. 


 We've played in the snow.

We've had a little time to just "hang out".

Hope got her hair "whacked" (as she put it).

And then wore some of her hair as a "beard".

Beck has decided he LOVES to eat his toes . . .

. . . or anything else he can get his hands on.

Hope has been performing in Annie.  Her last performances will be next weekend.  I'll do an Annie post with video when she finishes up!

She also performed in Jr. Poetry Jamm at school.
She performed a poem "Bad Hair Day" with her friend Kaylee and one that she wrote herself called "Flip Flops"

Mimi came to visit from Austin.  Unfortunately EJ got pneumonia and Beck got bronchiolitis and an ear infection while she was here, so this is really the only picture we got.  It was very nice to have an extra set of hands with such sick kiddos!

These two are so stinkin' cute together!

The shirt says it all!

"3" has proven to be a very ornery age around here!

I went to the Arvada Arts Center with Hope's class to see The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley

Beck has started eating solids - so far he's had rice cereal, peas, and carrots.  Despite the picture, he really isn't a fan of the whole experience.  He's usually pretty mad the whole time except when the spoon is in his mouth.

Hope had her first soccer tournament of the year.

It was very cold!

That's Spring soccer for you!

Luckily Beck had his Bear suit to keep him warm!

Beck FINALLY went swimming for the first time.  He kind of liked it. :)

I <3 these kiddos!