Hope finished up Fall Soccer on a beautiful, 76 degree, sunny November day (our first snowfall didn't come until this last week - 3 weeks later than average). They had a great season, with a 4-2-2 record and two tournament championships. She has now started indoor soccer which, thank goodness, is only 1 game a week - no practices! She also got a lead role (Susan) in "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas", the musical version of Miracle on 34th St. She'll be putting in a lot of time at rehearsals over the next few weeks, but she loves it! As always, she's doing awesome in school, and keeping us on our toes at home!
Ellis is obsessed with babies. Pictured are some of the many babies and stuffed animals she must have in bed with her every night. Many nights we find her asleep on top of a pile of babies, because there is no room in the bed for her. We try to sneak some of them away from time to time, but she knows if one is missing. She hit a "big girl" milestone this past week when the Twiddlebugs finally ate the last of her pacifiers. We had some tragic days at the beginning, but she's seem to adjusted to life without them. It's nice that we don't have to sift through the pile of babies in the middle of the night to find a pacifier anymore! Ellis, also, keeps us on our toes. Just today, she locked my mom in the back yard. I think EJ thought it was much funnier than my mom did.
Is that not the cutest smile in the world?!?!?! Beck turned 2 months yesterday. He weighs 12 pounds 13 ounces - 75%ile - and is 2 feet tall! That sounds a lot bigger than 24 inches, but either way, it puts him in the 90th %ile for height. He is a smiley little guy and he loves to be snuggled. He is trying hard to make his mommy very happy - he has slept through the night the past 3 nights! The mere fact that he cannot yet talkback or run away from us makes him a pretty easy kiddo!